Our Services
We offer end-to-end digital pathology analysis services for the following modalities:
(Imaging Mass Cytometry)
Allows for highly multiplexed imaging, detecting over 40 metal-labeled antibodies on a single tissue section.
Phenocycler, formerly CODEX (CO-Detection by indEXing)
Utilizes DNA-conjugated antibodies for highly multiplexed imaging, enabling the study of cellular interactions within the tissue microenvironment.
HDAB (Hematoxylin, Diaminobenzidine)
A widely used staining method that provides detailed tissue structure information, essential for histopathological analysis.
Other chromogenic dyes
Masson’s trichrome, Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), Silver, Sudan, and multiplexed chromogenic staining.
Allows for simultaneous detection of multiple targets within a single tissue section using fluorescently labeled antibodies.
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
Enables the detection of specific DNA or RNA sequences in tissues, useful for identifying genetic aberrations and subcellular localization of individual RNA transcripts.
Spatial Transcriptomics
(e.g. Visium)
Maps whole transcriptome data within tissue sections, preserving spatial context of gene expression to elucidate tissue architecture and function.
Advances spatial transcriptomics to single-cell resolution, providing detailed gene expression patterns within their native tissue context, highlighting cellular heterogeneity.
MALDI Imaging
Utilizes mass spectrometry to map proteins, lipids, and metabolites in tissue sections, offering molecular insights into disease mechanisms and biomarker discovery.
Spatial Multiomics
combining insights derived from multiple modalities listed above and integrating this using techniques such as image registration